Saturday, May 17, 2014

Catch up & Happy Saturday!

Whew!  My has our family life been crazy as of late!  Hence the blogging hiatus.  I've been THINKING about blogging, but just have had NO time to sit down and write!

But it's Saturday.  And Saturday's are usually a little less crazy than the Monday through Friday grind.

This morning I got to spend snuggle time with my littles.  Pretty much the best thing ever :)  We're finally on a good routine with Bug's early morning hours and Mr. T's desire to sleep in.  They've compromised on 8 a.m. and I'm just fine with that.

Around here, mid-May is prime garage sale season.  So after everyone had happy bellies from breakfast I took Mr. T for a little shopping.  We've got a crew of family coming up next month, so I wanted to find some fun toys for my nephews (ages 2 1/2 and 1) to play with.  I came home with some awesome dump trucks and plastic play tools.  Husband approved :)

Mr. T had his first taste of rice cereal this morning.  If I was a better mom, I would have snapped a photo or two.  But I can only do one thing at a time these days.  He ate quite a bit; not sure if he enjoyed it much because his face would squish up every time I gave him a serving.  But he ate it!  And he slept for a solid 3 hours, so I'm calling it a success ;)  Will try again tomorrow to see how it continues to go.

Husband has been traveling the last two weeks, which is why the blog has taken a back seat for the last little while.  He took his last work trip to Michigan and got home just in time Thursday night to go to Bug's spring preschool program.  Good thing, too, because they sang the cutest rendition of "He's Got The Whole World In His Hands" you ever did hear!

The reason I say Husband took his last work trip to Michigan is because he actually did.  Due to his position at the company, he's traveled countless times between two locations: Ann Harbor, Michigan and Georgetown, Kentucky.  But no longer.  Because Friday was his last day working for someone else.

This is a GOOD thing!  We are EXCITED!  We are taking the leap and following our hearts on a new adventure!  Husband has established contacts and co-founded a business aggregating the best of online retail sites, cool and innovative products, all to monetize well-known brands.  More to come on all of that, but that's the short version.  We are so blessed to be going in to this feeling the Lord's guidance along the way, and we have the BEST business partner/CEO.

That's right, little man!! ;)

Mr. T sandwich! At Bug's preschool program.

Oh!  And if you're looking for a really neat card, check out Treat.  I found them while uploading some pictures to my Shutterfly account, and absolutely LOVE how my anniversary card turned out!  It was really fun to personalize with our own photos and write my own message inside.  I only took a picture of the front but the back is super cute too.  Definitely my new favorite way to send cards.  I'll be doing one for June Bug soon...someone's turning FOUR next month!

So Happy Saturday, friends!  I hope you find a way to enjoy your day, whatever you're doing, even if it's just a few loads of laundry ;)